- 14 CFR Part 121 Air Carriers
- 135 Air Carriers Services
- 145 Repair Stations Certification
- 145 Repair Stations Services
- Aviation Project Management
- Customized Aviation Manuals
- Specialized Aviation Audits
- Chinese CAAC Certification
- EASA and UK CAA Services
- Canadian TCCA Services
- Aviation and FAA DAR Services
- Aviation Expert Witness Service
- Customized Aviation Training
- Safety Management System
- 135 ETOPS Certification Program
For More Information
Granada Hills, CA 91394 USA
Chinese CAAC Certification Support Services
The Chinese CAAC (Civil Aviation Administration of China) certification process for an FAA Part 145 repair station based in the U.S. involves several detailed steps to ensure the repair station meets Chinese aviation safety standards. While a repair station with FAA Part 145 certification is already recognized by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) activities, obtaining approval from the CAAC requires additional steps specific to Chinese regulations and meeting CAAC requirements. Here’s a brief breakdown of the process:
1. Pre-Application Phase
Before applying for CAAC certification, an FAA Part 145 repair station should:
Ensure compliance with FAA Part 145: The repair station must have a valid FAA Part 145 certificate, which is a prerequisite for CAAC certification.
Understand CAAC Requirements: While FAA and CAAC Part 145 regulations are similar, CAAC may have some specific requirements.
2. Application Submission to CAAC
The next step is submitting a formal CAAC Maintenance Certification Division application. The process includes:
Prepare the Application Package: The repair station must submit the required documentation to CAAC.
Personnel qualifications. Quality control system (QCS) documentation.
Maintenance Organization Manual (MOM), Training Manual and other procedures.
Safety Management System (SMS): Some stations may need to demonstrate compliance with SMS standards to ensure safety protocols are followed.
3. CAAC Documentation Review
Once the application is submitted, CAAC will review the documentation to ensure the repair station complies with CCAR 145 regulations. This review will focus on:
Compliance with Maintenance Procedures.
Quality Assurance and Safety Systems.
Personnel Qualifications.
4. On-Site Inspection by CAAC
After reviewing the documentation, CAAC will conduct an on-site inspection at the U.S.-based repair station. The inspection will focus on:
Facility Inspection.
Tooling and Equipment Review.
Personnel Interviews.
Inspection of Safety Systems, including SMS.
5. Issuance of the CAAC Part 145 Certificate
If the repair station successfully passes the documentation review and on-site inspection, CAAC will issue the CCAR 145 Repair Station Certificate. This allows the repair station to perform maintenance and repairs on Chinese-registered aircraft or components legally.
Key points of the certification: The certificate will specify the scope of work (such as which types of maintenance, repairs, or components are authorized).
The repair station must comply with FAA regulations and CAAC requirements when performing work on Chinese aircraft or its components.
6. Continuous Monitoring and Compliance
Once the CAAC Part 145 certification is granted, the repair station is subject to ongoing oversight and monitoring by CAAC. This includes:
Regular Inspections: CAAC will conduct periodic audits and inspections to verify ongoing compliance with CCAR 145 and safety standards. These inspections may be more frequent if the repair station has a significant amount of business with Chinese operators.
Continuous Quality Assurance: CAAC will monitor the repair station’s quality control systems to ensure they continue to meet regulatory standards, including reviewing documentation, maintenance records, and safety compliance.
7. Modifications and Renewal
Scope Modifications: If the repair station wishes to expand or modify its scope of work (e.g., adding more aircraft types or maintenance services), it must submit an application to CAAC for approval.
Recertification: The repair station’s CAAC certification may be subject to renewal or revalidation. The station may be required to submit updated documents or undergo re-inspection depending on changes to operations or personnel.
FAA and CAAC Coordination: The repair station must continue to comply with FAA Part 145 requirements while meeting additional CAAC-specific regulations. This dual compliance is crucial for smooth operations.
Below is a list of some of the documents or processes we can provide you with the required support:
- Maintenance Organization Manual (MOM)
- CAAC Training Program
- Safety Management System (SMS) Requirements
- CAAC Requirements for Subcontractors
- CAAC Audits and Monitoring
- Organizational Audit Management
Overall Project Oversight, Cost Control, Risk Management - Document Control and Subcontractor Control Development
Aviation Certifications Support
14 CFR Part 135 Air Carriers and 14 CFR Part 145 Repair Stations certification process consist of stages that are called phase system. There are 5 distinct phases and each phase has multiple items that must be successfully completed prior to continuing into the next phase of the process.
A Part 135 commuter or charter applicant will not be certificated until the FAA is confident that the prospective certificate holder understand the regulatory requirements and is able to remain in compliance with 14 CFR Part 135 and any other relevant parts.
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FAA and Aviation Required Manuals
We all know that manuals are essential part of any operations, no matter Part 91, 121, 133, 135, 145, 147 or other parts, you must have the required manuals. Aircraft, Air Carriers, Air Agencies, and Repair Stations Manuals must be customized for the size and the complexity of the organization, with expansion and growth of the operation in mind.
It is very important for each manual to be easy to follow and understand, hence the necessity for customization. We are intimately familiar with the manuals creation and their regulatory compliance requirements.
Our Work is Guaranteed
We stand behind our work and guarantee everything we do. Our guarantee for manual development is 100% meeting the requirements of each manuals, and providing any necessary corrections or revisions to get the manual approved or accepted, whichever is required by the FAA.